This is an online course to help authors learn ways to edit themselves before handing their baby off to an editor and/or submitting to a publisher.
Video guides; How To's; links to useful sites; Technology answers; etc.
For a glimpse, follow my monthly articles on Self-Editing for InD'tale Magazine (subscriptions are free).
This is the pdf of my Self-Editing for Fiction Authors slides, from my presentation at the Write Like a Pro Author Conference.

This online course is
available as a Beta version.
I have a unique take on how to edit your own writing, a "Learn What You Need" belief system, not a one size fits all. I have blog posts so you get to know me and my style of teaching about editing.
Join my "I'm Interested" list, to be first in line when the course goes live. I am currently writing a monthly series for InD'tale magazine about Self-Editing. Check it out.